What's My Rate helps you calculate a realistic, sustainable hourly rate for your web development or web design services.
Be sure to enter a value for each category, even if it's "0". Your rate and minumum billable hours display after you enter all values; changing a value dynamically updates the values.
The yearly gross salary you want. Remember: overhead, expenses and other costs are deducted from this.
(25-30% suggested)
Taxes, insurance, etc.
(176 hours suggested)
Holidays, vacation, sick days.
(25% suggested)
Time when you're doing invoicing, marketing, sales, etc. Business-related work, but not "time off".
Rent, utilities, supplies, web hosting, etc.
(10% or more suggested)
Minimum percent profit you want, over salary. For example, for a $50,000 salary, you might want a 10% ($5,000) profit margin.
For a helpful discussion about calculating sustainable freelance rates (and why it's critical), please see this blog post.